Barnes Group Inc.
My time as an Intern here was an unforgettable experience.
Change Leadership Video
The first project assigned to me when I started at Barnes Group was to create a video detailing why cultural changes within an organization need to start from the top. With very little detail or direction given initially, I started off with a few days of research and was able to come up with an original script based off of Barnes Group's eight company values. I wanted this video to stand out from the ones produced in the past. I accomplished this by using Adobe After Effects and Illustrator to add a touch of illustration, as well as a few extra creative video elements. After the video was presented at the Global Leadership Conference, I received sparkling reviews from a couple members of the leadership team.
BGI showed its dedication to being a great community leader by being a committed supporter of education, the arts, civic and youth activities, and health-related charities in the communities in which the Company operates. I completed a number of advertisements that portrayed Barnes Group's support for various different organizations and community events.
STEM Readiness Center
The corporate office interns were gathered and given the task to research and develop a STEM readiness center; a place where anyone of any age can learn and develop their skills to later transition into working at one of the participating manufacturing companies. We delegated tasks based on our individual specialties and I was in charge of branding and marketing. For my research, I looked into best-in-class programs around the world and came up with a long list of tools and tips needed to gather the talent. The image to the right is made up of the first things I presented to the group to get us off the ground.
Visitors Badges
One of the random projects I took on was making visitors badges for the building. Since no one could decide which of the final two they liked better, both of them were used.
Social Media
The corporate communications team spent a big chunk of time attempting to bring the company into the social media era. The previous corporate communications intern put together an amazing presentation for the senior leadership team, detailing the current state of Barnes Group's social media accounts and what we could be using them for. After extensive edits from myself and my team members, we developed a presentation that was ready. The purpose of the presentation was simple; Barnes Group already has a social media presence that will expand with or without our intervention – it's time to step in, take control, and leverage these platforms as part of our recruiting strategy.
I put together an additional presentation to explain what social media marketing is, as well as the social media marketing process, resources, and next steps. Following that presentation, I put together a Social Media Playbook on what I thought would be the best course of action for Barnes Group. After presenting the playbook, I was then tasked with finding an outside company that would be able to take on a complete social media overhaul for Barnes Group and the companies working under it. With the help and guidance from my supervisor, Christine Destefano, we were able to speak to a number of local firms and narrow down the search to three possible options.
To find out more, please feel free to contact me directly.
Banners and Quick Graphics for web use
Barnes Group's internal site is a platform for employees to stay on top of company happenings, as well as be able to find resources for any need. Another one of my day-to-day tasks was creating banners and graphics for different pages within the site, at someones request.
Intern/Co-Op Materials
Every year, Barnes Group interns take a questionnaire to give the company feedback on their time working there. I was tasked with turning those "testimonials" into graphics. In a similar style to these graphics, I created an intern/co-op one-pager to be used as a marketing material at trade shows.
Scholarship Program
Every year, The Barnes Group Foundation offers scholarships to the children of current employees. I was given the scholarship materials and with instructions to update the information and pictures. I presented my idea for an updated design of the materials that was well liked.
Annual Report Cover
The senior designer and I both came up with two versions of a cover for the annual report. We were lucky enough to present our designs in a meeting with Barnes Group's CEO Patrick Dempsey and, in the end, he chose my design. The BGI senior designer, Steven Janiga, was a great in helping me make small tweaks to the design and pictures.
Investor Relations
After completing the annual report cover, I used the same style to reformat and revamp the Investor Relations PowerPoint presentation template.
Innovation Portal
One small project I had a lot of fun completing was the Innovation Portal animation. The Innovation Portal is a page within the company's internal site that showcases the newest developments across all of the businesses. My animation was chosen to become the new page header.
Tech Talks
I was given a project that consisted of creating another quick animation. This animation was to serve as the lead-in to the Chief Technology Officer explaining the technology being used and created at Barnes Group. This segment was later transformed from a presentation to a video series. While my original animation was no longer needed, I then created another quick animation that is presently being used as a part of the Barnes Group Tech Talks introduction. We also came up with supporting graphics of various sizes for the BGI internal site, meant to lead users directly to the videos.
Changing Technologies
The idea for this video came about after a discussion about rapidly changing technology in a fast paced world. After speaking with the Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Dawn Edwards, we established a foundation for the following video. While on our phone call, I jotted down key phrases and wording, and watched a few reference videos to ultimately come up with an informative video relevant for Barnes Group.
Our small-but-mighty Corporate Communications team were among the first people on board with new programs or initiatives. I was given the task to take an idea and turn it into a PowerPoint presentation to be presented to the senior leadership team (SLT). The video below is a click-through of one of many presentations I was able to complete. The initial goal was to show the process of how this new program would work, while adding simple animations.